Dates to remember - It is our Summer Fair on Friday 19th July - Raffle Tickets are now available. £1 a ticket - The top prize - a pair of standard return Eurostar tickets!!!

Bevois Town Primary School


Designated Safeguarding Leads


Keeping Children Safe at Bevois Town Primary School 


At Bevois Town Primary School, safeguarding children is everyone’s business. All staff have received ‘Level 2 Safeguarding Training’, including FGM awareness. Our Teachers and Teaching Assistants have also received ‘Prevent’ Training.  


We have six Designated Safeguarding Leads who have received training in Level 3 Safeguarding. They share the overarching responsibility for keeping all our children safe:






Lead DSL
Vicki Young

Deputy Headteacher

Level 3 - Southampton City Council

2 day Training - July 2023





Amy Robinson

Deputy DSL (in training)

Pupil Engagement Officer

Level 3 - Southampton City Council

2 day Training - February 2024






Sarah Sadler

Headteacher & DSL

Level 3 - Southampton City Council

2 day Training - February 2023

Update Training  - Nov 23






Dan Steel 

Assistant Head & Deputy DSL

Level 3 - Southampton City Council

2 day Training - Dec 2023








Nicole Ash

Inclusion Leader and Designated Teacher

Level 3 - Southampton City Council

2 day Training - Dec 2023




Jo McGregor-Ritchie

Family Support Officer, ELSA & DSL

Level 3 - Southampton City Council

2 day Training - February 2023


Please feel free to talk to our DSL’s if you have any questions or concerns.


Notice of Concern Forms can be found in all classrooms or in the folders outside the School Office. Please record any concerns as soon as possible and pass these immediately to one of our Safeguarding Leads. Alternatively, contact a DSL by using the contact form found here: Report a Concern

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Our Values

These underpin our vision and are at the HEART of everything we do
  • Hope
  • Equality
  • Achievement
  • Respect & Responsibility
  • Teamwork
At Bevois Town there are no ‘invisible’ children. All will shine and experience success. Reach for the stars - There is no ceiling to the sky!
9 2 9 6 3 Visitors
Our Values