Dates to remember - It is our Summer Fair on Friday 19th July - Raffle Tickets are now available. £1 a ticket - The top prize - a pair of standard return Eurostar tickets!!!

Bevois Town Primary School


Welcome Pack - Essential School Information

In line with government expectations, the length of our school week is 32.5 hours


The Start of the School Day   


The school gates will open at 8:30   




Classroom doors will open at 8:35am                               The school gates will close at 8:45am


The End of the School Day




    All year groups finish at 3:15pm 

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Our Values

These underpin our vision and are at the HEART of everything we do
  • Hope
  • Equality
  • Achievement
  • Respect & Responsibility
  • Teamwork
At Bevois Town there are no ‘invisible’ children. All will shine and experience success. Reach for the stars - There is no ceiling to the sky!
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Our Values