Key Dates Coming Up : Year 3 trip to Butser Farm - Friday 31st Jan

Bevois Town Primary School


World Book Day - March 2022

World Book Day 2022

This year World Book Day is centred around the idea that: 'Everyone is a reader'.


At Bevois Town, we focussed on the joy of bedtime stories, asking children and adults to wear their pajamas into school and bring their favourite story to read or be read at bedtime. 


As part of our school's celebration of the the day, we organised a whole school writing project. It involved each class from Years 2- 6 using this image as a stimulus for writing.  At 9am, two stories were started- one in each of the Year 2 classes.


Then, throughout the day, each class wrote their part of the bedtime stories, building on the ideas of previous year groups.  This continued throughout the day until....finally.... Year 6 completed the stories. Then all classes, R- 6, shared the stories in their Read Aloud at 3pm.  It was a hugely enjoyable challenge, loved by children and teachers alike. The stories were so different, but equally enthralling. But, don't just believe me...judge for yourself.  Both stories are below for your own bedtime reading.

Bevois Town Bedtime Stories...

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