Key Dates Coming Up : Year 3 trip to Butser Farm - Friday 31st Jan

Bevois Town Primary School


Bounce Back to Bevois Town Primary School

'Bounce Back to Bevois' Reintegration Curriculum


While the COVID-19 pandemic has changed many things, it has not changed our School’s Vision, our Values which remain at the HEART of our curriculum intent or our belief that at Bevois Town Primary School, there are no ‘invisible’ children; all will shine and experience success.


The COVID-19 lockdown and ongoing pandemic has required many people to come to terms with a vastly different way of life, while also grappling with the suffering created by the virus and its subsequent economic crisis. As a school, we acknowledge that this has had, and will continue to have, an impact on our children and their families. We also appreciate that every child in our school has had a different experience during this time. Our robust safeguarding procedures, strong links with external agencies in Health and Social Care as well as a broad and balanced curriculum will support children in their return to school.


At Bevois Town Primary School, the physical and emotional health and wellbeing of our pupils is at the centre of everything we do as we recognise that in order to learn and thrive, our children need to feel safe and secure. This therefore forms the core of our reintegration – ‘Bounce Back to Bevois’ - curriculum.


After such a long period at home, and in a time of such uncertainty, we want to refamiliarise and ensure our children understand the core values, skills and knowledge of all it means to be a ‘Bevois Town Learner’. It aims to reset high expectations and enable our pupils to continue to develop their emotional resilience and self-regulation; learning how to learn with, from and on behalf of others to be the very best they can be!


We are also aware, that on their return, the children and staff will be working in class ‘bubbles’ so we have tried to find a way to reunite our school community through a common curriculum; differentiated by age and stage of learning. For example, sharing the same word of the day for each letter of ‘Bevois Town’.


This curriculum will run for two weeks and two days, to be followed by a series of baseline assessments in the Core Subjects – Reading, Writing and Maths. In the first instance, the purpose of these assessments is to identify key gaps in learning. This qualitative information will subsequently be used to inform adaptations to Medium Term curriculum plans. Our timetables for the Autumn Term are biased towards providing additional time for learning in the Core Subjects, without compromising on ensuring a full curriculum offer.


We recognise that, in some of the Foundation Subjects, there will be less coverage but we aim to ensure that what is taught results in deep learning on which we can build in subsequent topics – quality not quantity! Short Term ‘S Plans’ will identify ‘Bounce Back’ Learning Intentions (drawn from the previous Years’ curriculum) and how these build up to ‘Step Forward’ Learning Intentions that match the children’s stage and age of learning.


We plan for Leaders to work with staff to moderate baseline assessments in Reading, Writing and Maths, and plot these onto the School’s Tracking Tool so that Leaders can compare the extent to which the attainment has regressed/progressed since the end of the Spring Term. Leaders will then use this information to revise and set End of Year/Key Stage targets. Pupils’ progress towards these will be monitored in the normal way; primarily through our robust Pupil Progress Review cycle.  

Bounce Back 2 - 'At the Heart' Newsletters

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Our Values

These underpin our vision and are at the HEART of everything we do
  • Hope
  • Equality
  • Ambition
  • Resilience
  • Teamwork
At Bevois Town there are no ‘invisible’ children. All will shine and experience success. Reach for the stars - There is no ceiling to the sky!
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Our Values