School Meals
School meals in Southampton are provided by City Catering, the council's in-house hospitality service. The current cost of a school is £2.90 per day which offers excellent value for a nutritional, balanced meal.
We offer a full three-week menu which fully complies with the government's School Food Standards. If your child is having a school meal, they will be asked to pick either the meat (Blue band), vegetarian (yellow) or a third (purple) option each day.
We make every effort to source local and sustainable produce for our menus. We monitor all product supplies and to the best of our knowledge our menus are free from genetically modified ingredients. All options marked with (V) are suitable for vegetarians. All cheese used in our produces is suitable for vegetarians.
Paying for School Meals
For Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 the cost of a school meal is £2.50 per day. All payments can be made by cash or cheque at the School Office. We encourage parents/carers to pay for school meals in advance whenever possible in order to avoid building up any debts. If any monies owing exceed £20.00 then you will need to provide a packed lunch for your child until the debt is cleared.
You can also pay for school meals online. If you would like to pay for school meals online then please ask for an Online Access Letter at the School Office.
Universal Free School Meals
The Government has agreed an initiative which will ensure that all children in Years R, 1 and 2 are entitled to a healthy free school meal at lunchtime every day. You may still wish your child to bring in a packed lunch - the choice is yours! At the beginning of each day your child will simply need to tell us whether they are having a school meal or bringing in a packed lunch.
Free School Meals
Parents do not have to pay for school meals if they have children in Years R, 1 or 2 or receive any of the following:-
If you wish to apply for free school meals, please complete the online application form and return it to the School Office.
If your child has any allergies to be able to have school lunches you will need to complete an application through City catering. Please use the link below to apply.