Key Dates Coming Up : First day back to school is Monday 24th Feb. We hope you have a lovely week off!!!

Bevois Town Primary School



Writing Intent


At Bevois Town, our Writing curriculum is founded on the use of high quality literature, and upon rich and memorable experiences. 



Our intention is simple:

  • To inspire writing that is engaging, imaginative, purposeful and with a clear understanding of its audience.
  • To build an understanding of the ‘writer’s craft’- with children seeing themselves as real writers
  • To develop the foundational transcription skills required to be an effective writer
  • To ensure that children take ownership of their writing
  • To develop a deep understanding of the components of writing- planning, drafting, sharing, evaluating, proofreading, editing and publishing.


The “hook” at the beginning of each unit is essential in creating the spark that will pique the interest of the children and allow them to write with knowledge, skill, and when necessary, heart. Through reading, exploring and analysing literature, our children develop a deep understanding of the components of writing – planning, drafting, sharing, evaluating, revising, editing and then publishing. Texts are carefully chosen to deepen pupils' knowledge of the wider curriculum, building on the texts that have come before and preparing them for those that will follow, all while ensuring pupils are immersed in our rich and varied literary heritage.


It is through the thorough exploration of literature that we develop our children’s understanding of authorial intent and authorial choice, thus enabling them to become, in the true sense of the word, ‘writers’.


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    Our Values

    These underpin our vision and are at the HEART of everything we do
    • Hope
    • Equality
    • Ambition
    • Resilience
    • Teamwork
    At Bevois Town there are no ‘invisible’ children. All will shine and experience success. Reach for the stars - There is no ceiling to the sky!
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    Our Values